Friday, November 30, 2012

The Evolution of a Quilt

Today's basket.  Nice and bright!  Now that I have a lot of these made, I'm starting to wonder what I'm going to do with them.  Hmmm......  I've been playing on my design wall.

I arranged them with a space in the middle - maybe I can turn this into a medallion quilt.  But the space is too little.

I tried again. I think the space is too big.

I think this may be just right!  I drew a little sketch to go with this scenario.  If I keep going like this, I'll need 14 more basket blocks.  You know what I'm thinking?  If I make two-a-day, I'll be done with baskets in a week!  We'll see how that goes...

I got to visit for a bit today with a high school friend and her daughter (who will be attending Auburn next fall).  Great to see you Dawn and Ivy!

Look what I found under the tree a little while ago!  I told you they love quilts!

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