Monday, September 17, 2012

More Sewing, Sewing, Sewing!

It was time to cut more triangles for the old zig zig.  How about some brass horns and a bright, bright purple?

Oh yes!  This is a nice one!

I could hardly wait to wake up this morning to sew these blocks together.  I finished them last night.  The way these BOM's work is complicated.  I finished Block 1.  Then in the instructions for Block 2, I'm told to go back and do such-and-such to Block 1.  So then I get to Block 3.  Go back and do such-and-such to Blocks 1 and 2.  Then I get to Block 4.  You guessed it.  At the end of the instructions I was told go go back and do such-and-such (lots of french knots) to all 4 blocks.

Now I'm ready for Block 5 which will go across the entire top edge.

When we went to bed last night, look who we found stuck to the outside of the window!  Yes, that's my reflection in my purple nightie.  :)

Thanks to both Millie and Gerda for telling me the name of the plant from yesterday - Beauty Berry!

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