We bought these shams for our bed last summer. I was drawn to the pattern, obviously, because of those lovely, loopy feathers. I've never been good at quilting feathers, but these maybe I could stitch since they are perfectly imperfect. The spaces in between the feathers make them seem relaxed, laid back, and less formal than traditional feathers.
My hexie quilt pattern consists of columns of hexies, requiring some long quilting patterns.

So yesterday, I took a long piece of freezer paper and sketched out my own loopy feathers.

Here it is cut out. I did get the quilt basted yesterday, and I'm now in the process of tracing this design on the quilt top. I should have marked the quilt before I basted it - can you tell I don't typically mark quilts? But I'm not going to take it apart now! I'm managing. Hopefully I'll finish the marking today.
I put a coat of stain on my thrifted coffee table, too. While I was flipping it over, it slipped and fell on my finger. Ouch!

By the time I went to bed last night, it was worse than this - it was absolutely black. It throbbed and ached all afternoon and evening, preventing me from finishing my house quilt, or even from doing any applique. I'm happy to report it feels much better this morning and the swelling has gone down a good bit.

Hubby felt sorry for me and helped me cook dinner. It was picture worthy!