Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Beginning of a Portrait and a Giftie

What a fun day I had!  Don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything exciting or new, but still, I had a great day.  The weather here is not pretty; we're in for rain (and LOTS of it!) for the next several days.  But that's fine with me.  We need it, and I enjoy spending time in my studio with the sound of the rain spattering on the roof.

One of our guild members dropped by to pick up her round quilt - she wants to redo a few things.  And she showed up with a goody bag for me - Kaffe Fasset fabric!  What a treasure!  Thanks so much, Elizabeth E.
After she left, I took a leisurely trip to the grocery store to stock up.  Suddenly I'm in a cooking mood, which I haven't been for the past couple of weeks.  I bought a couple of whole chickens which I'm roasting for dinner tonight.  They are smelling lovely right now.

As for sewing, I did more quilting on the Sunrise quilt.  It's coming along nicely.  Then I machine stitched the binding on one of the Starry Slice quilts.  I tried a new technique - more about that tomorrow.

And then I started the next portrait - Patches.  I like to vary the way I do portraits.  Life's more interesting that way.  Remember the last one was done by fusing strips of fabric.  This one will be done with hand applique.  I know - a bit time consuming, especially since this will be a fairly large piece.  But I'm excited about it.

I plan to prepare a few pieces each day to hand stitch that evening during TV watching with hubby.  So here's what I'll be stitching tonight.
This is a tooth.  It has 4 different fabrics in it.  Each of the pieces has a freezer paper pattern ironed to it's backside.  It's a start.

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