Sunday, January 25, 2009

Singing the Blues

Here's a shot of my newly organized blue drawer, ready to slide back into its slots in the storage units.
And here are the leftover strips, placed in baggies to be snuggled into the blue drawer.  I'm excited to have precut strips available to grab when I need them.  I think this will help me in the long run since there are so many things you can do with strips.
And here are the blue strippy blocks.  I may play with their placement a bit more before I stitch them together.

I also worked on my tomato piece today.  I added paint to it today, daubing through a piece of rug canvas.  It's busy drying now, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to work more on it.  It should be done by the end of the week.

On the weight front, I lost my first five pounds!  Yay me!  We all know what to do to lose weight - eat less, move more.  But we all also know that's it's not that simple.  So much of the weight battle is mental.  In the past I've never focused on the mental part, which I think is why I've been having so much trouble succeeding.  So this time, I'm keeping a journal (for my eyes only) where I explore the reasons I think I've not been taking care of myself properly.  Will it help?  We'll see.....

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