Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dogwood blossoms?

Here's another option for my Patches quilt.  It kind of makes sense, don't  you think?  Dogwood trees are all over our yard.  Patches is a DOG.  My last name is WOOD.  Hmmm.....

My quilt took a tiny step back yesterday, though in the long run it was for the best.  As Patches' face grew, it started becoming a bit distorted, what with the bias pieces stretching a little here and there.  What to do...

I ended up tracing my entire enlarged pattern onto a big piece of muslin.  Than I stitched the part of the face that I've done in it's place on the muslin.  Now, I as add another piece of fabric, I pin it to the front, then use a heavy jeans thread to baste it from the back along the traced pattern.  I can then trim the piece on the front and it's ready to applique, clipping those basting threads as I go.  I can't use freezer paper anymore since there's no way to get it out.  The muslin stabilizes the entire piece though, so it's worth it. 

It took a few hours yesterday to switch gears and get the piece ready to continue again.   This morning I finally attacked the accumulating dust bunnies so I'm ready to get back to the needle and thread.  It's full speed ahead now!

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