Yesterday afternoon I took time off to walk around my neighborhood. I was just looking to get a bit of exercise, but it turned into a treasure hunt. First I spotted this pile of knotted fibers along the street. It was tangled with pine straw, but that was easily picked out. I'm not sure if it was meant to be a scarf, or was from a knitter's stash, but I took it. It's going to rain tomorrow, so it would have been ruined if I didn't save it. Next I found a nice bird feather. Then near a construction site, I saw the jagged piece of copper and the little green things. A good haul, I think. Somehow they'll end up in quilts.
Here's some of my rusty fabric. I especially like the top one which has a crown shape near the bottom. I'm not sure what to do with them yet...
The selvage flower is done, complete with binding and little knots on embroidery floss for the quilting. Click on the photo to see more clearly.
And now for the nine patch...

I'm not at all sure it lives up to expectations, but I had fun making it, and that's what counts in the end, isn't it? The holes (where you can see my design wall peeking through) are my ode to the start of this project - the Beloved Nine Patch. The flowers (meant to be mums) are felted wool, and the leaves are nubby silk with yarn outlining them. Again, click to see it close up.
I decided to add binding, which you can see is not stitched down on the back yet. I'll get to that tonight.
So now it needs a name. I'm much better at making quilts than naming them. SO PLEASE HELP. I need some ideas...
Looks like "A Hole Lot of Work" to me.
This has been worth the wait. It's fabulous . Just love the colours and the flowers and leaves. I'm not very good with names have problems with titles for my scrapping.
Hi Julia, Can't help with the name, but just wanted to say hi after reading your comment on my blog. Thanks for stopping by!
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