Today was our art bee meeting. We've decided that our motto is, "Be inspired, not required." We will enjoy experimenting with different techniques and supplies, each gaining our own inspiration from the group. But we won't ever be required to do anything - no challenges, no group project, etc. Each of us brought different fruits and vegetables to share today. We had apples, oranges. lemons, limes, star fruit, green peppers, bananas, pears, celery, and mushrooms.

We applied paint to the foods of our choice and stamped them on our own fabrics.

Above in green is a bell pepper. The red is celery. Cool, huh?

They hung to dry in today's cold breeze while we ate. This is a great group of women. Most of us didn't know each other before last month, but we have already bonded. I'm very excited to be a part of this talented group of women!
This morning before the meeting, I basted my new version of the guild's circle quilt challenge, so it's ready to quilt. And then this afternoon after the meeting, I was able to mark more things off my 2009 goal list! I mailed a book proposal to a publisher and I mailed SEVERAL proposals for magazine articles! Yay me! A very productive day indeed.
Sounds like you had a great time and love the look of the printing. My goodness you have been busy. Hope all goes well for you with the publishers and magazines.
Thanks, Joan!
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