As part of all our remodeling around here, we bought some new furniture. We have hardwood floors in our main family room, but we haven't had a rug in there for years. I've been looking for months for the perfect rug. It had to have a dark enough background to hide spills and spots. I wanted it to go with any colors, in case I decided to change my color scheme in a few years. I wanted something unique and not too formal. I wanted something with a bit of whimsy and maybe with a touch of funkiness.

I found it! I had to order it from a local store, and it came in a couple of weeks ago. We'd left it rolled up in its box until yesterday though. I didn't want it to get ruined prematurely by workmen's feet, sheetrock dust, and dripped grout.

Imagine my surprise over the weekend while in Houston - I was reading blogs one night and discovered this post on
Material Obsession in Australia. Scroll down the post until you get to the rugs. I'll wait.....
Twiddling thumbs while you look....
NO WONDER I LOVE THIS RUG!!!! It was designed by Kaffe Fasset!!!!
I must say, it wasn't too expensive either, especially for a wool rug. It was only a bit over $500 for an 8 by 10 foot rug. I'm thrilled with it! Hubby's fine with it (he's not as excited about the Kaffe connection as I am), and the dogs love it. Mickey spent part of the evening last night rolling around on his back to break it in.
I know it seems that all we're doing around here is spending money. But the remodeling, even with some new furniture here and there, has been so much less expensive than moving to a brand new house would have been. And now we do have our dream home.

In quilty news, I got my birthday present from my dear hubby last week. I know, my birthday was way back in July. But don't think he's an awful hubby! He wanted to give me something quilty, but didn't know where to begin. (I wouldn't know where to begin to buy him something golfy.) He suggested a new sewing machine. This year we both turned 50, so he wanted to get me a "milestone" gift. Well, I didn't want or need a new sewing machine.
So I've been doing some thinking for a few months. And a bit of research. I decided what I really wanted, but I've been busy and didn't get around to ordering it. Then I saw where it was on sale for a few days only for $100 off! That got me moving!
Can you guess what it is? Obviously, some assembly was required. The reveal tomorrow...
1 comment:
wow! I thought Kaffe as soon as I saw the rug. I would have bought it too!
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