Alas, my time here is done. I'll be flying home in a few hours. My feet are tired, as well as my credit card. It was well worth the effort to come, though. I thoroughly enjoyed every second! Today I though I take a break from quilt photos to show other sights. Here are a couple of shots from above of the vendor area.

If you've never been, I wanted to try to illustrate the magnitude of the venue. Unbelievable!

Here's the outside of the Convention Center. It goes on and on and on....

I adore the bright red smoke stacks on top.

And here are some buildings across the street. I thought the reflections in the building on the right were way cool.
I've learned so many things while I was here. I learned how to make a sweatshirt jacket without it looking "frumpy." I've learned some important tools for applique. I've learned some neat tricks for fusing fabric. And I've learned that some Canadians call their UFO's "PIGS," Projects in Grocery Sacks! All important stuff!
Oh yeah - I learned I have an accent. I was told that by a wonderful woman from Oregon. Who knew? Me, an accent? Yes, born and bred in Alabama. Comes with the territory!
She was pretty brave to say you have an accent, and in Texas no less.
I learned last year that this annual show is the biggest event hosted at the convention center. It takes the entire facility.
HA, you should have told her that she was the one with the accent. Also wanted to tell you that I love the idea of the green blog. It is something I keep telling myself that I really, really should do.
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