Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Basting Away

Today has been a basting day.  This the the first of three t-shirts quilts I've been working on (not the one shown in the tutorial).  This will be the first large quilt I will machine quilt on my new machine.  Can't wait to get started!  Maybe tomorrow will be the day for that.

I made the little basket that holds my safety pins.  It's woven from dried pine needles from our yard, along with some raffia.  This craft held my interest for a few months several years ago.  And with all our pine trees, I didn't have to buy any supplies except the raffia.  A "green" craft if there ever was one!  On the negative side, the pine needles had to be washed in soapy water in the sink, and then soaked.  And I had to keep them damp (by wrapping them in a wet towel) while I worked.  A messy job.  I don't think my allergies would cooperate if I tried to make another one now.

I've also been sewing the blocks for the tutorial t-shirt quilt together with sashing between.  This is the easiest part of the entire process and has gone quickly.

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