Hubby and I went on a road trip this weekend - an overnight trip to South Carolina to visit Daughter 2 at Furman University. On the way, we stopped to visit good friends who recently retired, moving from just around the corner to South Carolina.
Of course, I had to see her latest quilt creations! Here is Brenda hiding behind a beautiful quilt.

And the close up shot...

This wonderful courtyard steps quilt was hanging in her great room. The visit was quick - but it sure was nice.

Then on to Furman and the football game. Since Daughter 2 is in the band, we go for the half time show that happens to be surrounded by some football.

Daughter 2 is out there on the field somewhere!

The band there is amazing! It's not the biggest in number, but the sound they put out is HUGE and WONDERFUL! And they have fun while they're at it.
Today, it was back to quilting for me. I spent the morning quilting the doggy portrait. Then I decided I didn't like what I'd done, so I spent the afternoon with a seam ripper in hand, ripping out most of the quilting. Oh well. Sigh.
Tomorrow is a new day. And by the end of it, this little quilt will be done, and hopefully packed onto a FedEx truck to it's new home.