I felt like today was my first really "normal" day in an entire month. Dear Driver B took Mom to the nursing home to visit, so I had the entire day to sew, cook, and do laundry. So that is exactly what I did. I started out the day soaking some dried navy beans. Then I put them on to simmer with the ham bone from Thanksgiving. The "soup" simmered all day, and made a delicious dinner.
I sewed off and on all day, making lots of progress on multiple projects. My hip is a bit better too, I think. A few more days, and I'll be fine. But I think I'll sleep with a heating pad tonight for good measure.
Here were my helpers. They were so glad to be out of the cold and in my lap. Though as I write this they are both in Hubby's lap, of course. Mickey is growling in his sleep.