One of the benefits of thoroughly cleaning out my studio has been finding important things that have been missing for some time. The TV remote turned up yesterday.

Today I found my container of yo-yo's that I've made from Cherrywood scraps. I also found a missing electrical cord to a sewing machine. Yay! I'm almost done, too. I can move around the room easily, no tripping, no stepping on fabric and pins. And I know where everything is! How nice is that!
Mickey Update:
He's drinking on his own now. I can get him to eat, but not just anything. He won't eat his dog food, but he'll eat chicken. So, chicken he gets, until he's better. His energy level is improving slowly. His confidence is slow to come back; he's a bit skittish now, but hopefully that will pass over time.
it's amazing what gets lost in our studios! ha! no more getting up to switch the channel for you!
You will have to take pictures of your studio when you're finished re-doing it. Glad Mickey is on the mend.
When Sophie was recovering from hemolytic anemia a couple of years ago, I made chicken and rice for her every day. I was so glad to have her alive I would have cooked anything she would eat.
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