The other two dogs are very interested but sense that he'd rather them leave him alone for now, so they do.
This afternoon, I'll take his little doggy bed up to my studio with me and try to work while he rests close by.
Now, to more quilty stuff:
In accidently deleting my blog bookmarks, you have all helped me find new sites to visit. One of the sites I happened on is Cherry House Quilts. She has made the most adorable quilt that I have fallen in love with. And she's going to teach a tutorial on making it. I don't usually participate in "sew alongs" since I like to design my own quilts. But this one is too tempting, so I'm joining the fun. Check it out for yourself.
Mickey is so cute. I am hoping for a fast recovery. Please continue to update us on his progress.
I saw the Cherry Hill sew along and can't wait to give it a try.
Oh my goodness! I stumble on one "new to me" blog which leads to another...
The Cherry House sew along looks like a lot of fun! I may just have to give it a try. Of course, I don't know how I'll find the time to sew again because I can't get away from the computer! LOL
I hope Mickey continues to improve!
I saw that too...but haven't ever done a quilt in that style and wasn't feeling very ambitious. Either that or I have already had my fill of change for the summer. Not sure which.
Hoping your Mickey gets to feeling more like himself super soon.
Please tell Mickey that we are pulling for him. Glad that he is home. Know he'll begin to get better now that he is home.
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