Ahhhh.... Our graying doxie, Prince. Snoozing on a boat. His favorite thing to do.
We went back to the lake Thursday for a long weekend. Relaxing. Boating. Napping. Zooming on the Sea Doo. Reading. Grilling. Ahhhh....
Today is my birthday. I was thinking about how birthdays felt when I was a kid. They felt different than other days. Remember that feeling? Now that I'm 51, they don't feel much different from other days. And that's fine with me.
I'm excited to go to a quilt guild meeting this morning. It's our last meeting of the year. (Our new year starts in September, after taking August off.) Today's meeting will be like a party, with everyone bringing food for a pot luck lunch. Oh the food! With well over 100 members, there will be tons of food. I made a vegetable sandwich spread with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and onion, mixed with mayonnaise and Knox unflavored gelatin. Sounds a bit strange, but it's oh so good - spread on bread, crackers, or even by the spoonful. Yum!
Tonight hubby is taking me out for dinner. And then (triple yay!) the premier of this season's Design Star on HGTV. A very fun day!