When I started planning this Blog Hop a couple of months ago, I decided to shoot for the stars. What did I have to lose? So I e-mailed some big time quilting stars to see if they would participate. I was thrilled when every single person I asked agreed to take part. Thanks so much to them all, and thanks to all of you who have hopped along with us! The outpouring of comments on all the blogs has been fabulous! And some of my star blog hoppers are now addicted to making hexies the QUICK AND EASY WAY!!!!
Peggy and I had so much fun writing this book together! We really LOVE this method of making hexies from circles of fabric and I don't think I'll EVER stop designing hexie quilts.
You might have noticed by now that I have TWO blogs. Why?
I've had this greenQuilts blog for several years. I love to share the projects I'm working on and other tidbits of my life. When I jumped on the hexie train, I decided to start The Hexie Blog, making it a place for us all to share hexie projects. If you've made any hexie projects, please let me know (I don't care what technique you use!) so I can put it out there on the blog.
So are you ready for the FINAL GIVEAWAY???? I'm giving away an autographed copy of Quick and Easy Hexie Quilts PLUS an Accuquilt Go! Baby along with a circle die that cuts three different sizes of circles! I KNOW! Amazing, huh?
How to enter:
Leave a comment on this blog and/or The Hexie Blog. For extra chances, become a Follower of both blogs. So you can get a maximum of FOUR chances if you leave a comment on both blogs and become a follower of both blogs.
Since this is a mighty big prize, I'm leaving it open until 8 am Central Time Friday, June14th.
Good luck!!!
Making Progress on UFO's
2 years ago
I've left comments on every single hexie blog hop post trying to maximize my chances of winning a copy of the book!
I'm a follower.
I think your book looks awesome!
I'm a follower on this blog
The book looks really neat and I would love to win one. You make them look so much easier without the papers. Looks like I will have a new project. Thanks for sharing this book with us and giving us a chance to win it.
I am a follower.
Thanks for all those chances! It was a great hop!
I follow through bloglovin' already.
I am loving hexies, like it how erery hexie looks different. I am working with my stash, so it is very scrappy. thanks for the chance!!
I am a follower of your blog
I am following via Google Friend Connect!
I would love to win your book. You make hexies look so much easier without the papers.
your new hexagon technique sounds so interesting that it would be amazing to win the book! Not to mention the AccuQuilt Baby :)
I'm a follower now!
I can't wait to get a copy of your book and learn a new hexie technique! Thanks for the blog hop and the chances to win a copy of your new book!
I'm a follower.
Would love to have this book and a GoBaby in my collection.
I am a new follower of this blog.
I too think I've left comments on every blog. I also started following and getting emails from them (now I have more blogs to enjoy). I would love this book. I am loving all the things that can be done with hexes!
Fantastic prize - I follow both blogs :)
I persevered to comment on every blog post, yet the comment genie ate many of them. Sad((
I want to win a copy of the quick and easy hexie book as well as the circle die/mat and cutter. Why? I love hexies and have wanted to make a hexie quilt since I saw the 2 generation GMFG quilt my great grandmother and grandmother made. I have stage 4 terminal cancer. Only my Lord in heaven knows when my last day on earth will be. Besides the Lord's help, I know that I need the extra expert jump start to make awesome hexies faster with the circle die AND the guidance from the book to put the quilt together. Here's hoping that random number generator picks my name so can work on my serious bucket list.
I would love to win the book and circle cutter!
I am following by blog lovin on this site and email by your other site
I would love to win the go baby along with the book I do so want to make a hexie quilt. Thanks for the chance
I'm attempting to follow your blogs too. Bloglovin' says that I am following this blog and that I also subscribed to email updates (feedburner).
I've followed your entire blog tour because I've loved hexies for a long time. Hexagon quilts was one of the reasons I first started learning to quilt. I would love your book, and if I'm not lucky enough to win a copy then I will be buying one soon.
And the extra bonus you've given us to possibly win the Accuquilt Go Baby and the circle die is awesome. I've had that on my wish list for a very long time. I'd be thrilled to win just as everyone else would be, I'm sure.
Thank you for the tour and chances to possibly win a copy of your awesome looking book.
I am now following your blog via BlogLovin'
Anonymous: MargaretQuilts
I want to win this book and circle die/mat/cutter for my sweet daughter. She wants to make a hexagon quilt just like her great-grandma and grandma despite her terminal illness. Thanks for the chance to win.
Awesome, Thanks for a chance to win!
Would love to win this book. As for the Accuquilt go I have been trying to win one of these for a few years now.
I follow greenQuilts
Follower via Bloglovin
thanks for this giveaway!!! i would love to learn a new technique and finally get my hex quilt done that is hidden in my mind!!! lol
What an exciting giveaway. The book and new hexie-making technique sound so interesting. I'd love to win the book and thank you for the opportunity to do so.
I'm a new follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win this exciting book.
Thanks for the chance to win the hexie book! Maybe now I could retire my templates!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your book and the circle die with cutter/mat. With all the expert help in this awesome giveaway, I KNOW that I have a hexagon quilt in me just waiting to be made. Following your hexie and greenQuilts blogs via bloglovin and email, as well as following the blogs of your awesome blog-hopper buddies, will provide ongoing advice for the future. I had fun!
I am a new follower of your blog and very excited about your book and the go baby! Thanks
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book and the Go Baby and circle die. What fun that would be to win. Thanks again
Love anything made with hexies. They're so much fun. Can't wait to try out your new technique.
I just saw on your profile that you are a dog lover! Me too! What kind of dogs do you have? I have a Chiauaha (did I spell that right?) and a rat terrier/ jack russell mix. thanks for the giveaway and can't wait to see who wins! (fingers crossed) vickise at gmail dot com
I want the accu quilt.
Already have a signed copy, thank you peggy and julia
I am a follower via email! vickise at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway. I love hexies!!
rmk815 at gmail dot com
I follow on bloglovin
rmk815 at gmail dot com
I just started to follow this blog. Following the Hexie blog when I found the blog hop.
The hexie book looks awesome. If I don't win I will have to buy it for sure.
I am so excited about making hexies the new way and am surely going to have to purchase the book if I do not win one! Thanks for the chance!
I follow you, thanks for starting this hop and sharing your love of hexies. Would love to learn your hexie method. Thanks for the spectacular prize
I follow this blog and have for quite a while. I love seeing all your projects. This book looks amazing.
Thanks for the great hop. I look forward to using your method of making hexies.
I follow you via email.
I love hexies but haven't made any. This book is inspiring me to give it a try.
I am following both blogs. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I love hexes. Thanks for this hop, and the chance to win a great prize.
I am a new email follower of this blog. Thanks for the great hop, with a great prize.
Already left a comment at the HexieBlog so putting one here for another shot at the goodies! Thanks for a second chance to win a chance to try hexies!
Love the idea of a new way to make hexies with no paper.
This sounds like the method I have been looking for. Thanks for the generous give-away!
I am following you on Facebook!
Truly loving your new book, both your blogs and this fun blog hop! Thanks for great giveaways. :)
I am a new follower here as WeimerMom. I'll also find you on Facebook.
Your technique looks very interesting! I love Hexies!
Following you on Bloglovin as louster388:)
Hi! I haven't worked with hexies, yet, but winning your book and the Go Baby would certainly put me on the right road! I just found out that a dear friend of mine is going to have a baby in about 6 months, so this would be perfect to make an adorable baby quilt! Thank you for the chance to win!!
Love hexies, I even made a WIP bag and the cover is made with Hexagons and it holds all of my EPP supplies.
I am addicted to hexagons and always looking for new techniques and methods! Your book fills the bill!
That's a good idea to have 2 blogs to separate the ideas.
I would LOVE this prize! I'm addicted to hexies. Thanks
I follow on Bloglovin. Thanks
This has been a great blog hop. I love hexies. They are so fun to do and very portable. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the great hop and giveaway!
following on bloglovin'
your way of making hexies is intriguing. can't figure out how you do it, must have the book, lol
Love the cover of this book and have seen so much about it on blogland!! Definitely intriguing. I am jealous of your blueberries. We live in Orkney and the winds would blow them over to Norway!!
I have become a follower.
Would love to win your book!!
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)
Hi, I follow with bloglovin. Thank you!
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I follow via email
How great!
Love this technique. Haven't tried fussy cutting circles yet. Pick me!!! I follow this blog.
I "sew" love hexies!
Long time follower!
I love Hexies and I'm a new follower. I would a chance at winning the book.Thank You for a great giveaway
You go Judy! I've seen some of my friends with an autographed copy of your book - I need one too....LOL!
Beth C. (B'ham)
Didn't realize I was not a follower, but am now!
Beth C. (B'ham)
Wanting to try the hexies from circles - seems so easy!
Really excited for this book- if I don't win one, I already have it on my Amazon wish list!
I am new at hexies (in the midst of my first project) and would love to try your method of making them from circles. Such a fun hop!
Became a follower!
I would love to learn a new way to make hexagons.
I am now following via GFC & Bloglovin.
I really want to win...I have my fingers and toes crossed. Not only am I dieing to get my hands on the new book. I am a hexi addict. I have been wanting a Accuquilt die cutter machien for a very long time... Boy would that open up a whole new dimension to my quilting and crafting...Thank you for the chyances to win.
I left comments every where, sure hope one of them is a winner :)
following with bloglovin'
I am a new follower!
Thanks for the chance to win your book. I love making hexies and this techinque looks like fun. I always like to try new techiques. Also thanks for the chance to win the Go Cutter. It would make it easier for sure to cut those circles!
I'd love to win this!! Thanks for writing the book and the chance to win.
I really love your book and I have been very excited about having the chance to win it. Thank you so much. And thank you for the chance to win a Go Cutter. I have always wanted one.
I am a new follower through Bloglovin.
Would love to win
I follow you
I admit it, I want the Go! baby - I already have the book :)
Fabulous review of a fabulous book!
Estoy encantada de hacerme seguidora de este blog. Me gustará saber qué estás haciendo.
This combo would be the perfect assistant to help me get going on my hexie projects! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a new follower on Bloglovin'
Awesome looking book. Thanks so much for having this wonderful blog hop, it has been lots of fun and I have loved seeing the different projects people have made with circle hexies.
I am a follower. I have loved reading your posts during this hop.
I think I'm ready to hop on the hexie train. Would love to get a copy of this book.
I would love to win this great prize!! Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm so intrigued about making hexies from circles and not needing to cut papers!
I love hexies, they are so cute. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm a follower.
love those hexagons.
I am a follower on blogloving.
LOVE Hexie"s!!! and Go! Baby has been on my Wishy List for looooong time!!! :)
Am a new Follower too...thru Bloglovin!! :)
I love hexagons. Looking forward to learning how to make them with a circle!
I am a follower. Thanks for the extra chances!
Great blog hop! Thank you for the giveaway!
Great idea! fingers crossed
The book looks awesome! And the GO! would be such a wonderful tool for making hexies. Thanks!
I would love to win a copy of the Hexies book. The Go would be wonderful for cutting them!
I love hexies......would be thrilled to win!
I am a follower!
I would love to win this Baby Go!!! Thanks for the chance.
Love the new puppy - boy I remember puppyhood. No sleep and ripped clothes.
Love hexies but have been afraid to try making them. This would definitely get me to try. Thanks.
Now a follower of this blog.
I follow!
I love hexies but never got a chance to make. I'd love to win and give it a go :)
chevybelair1 at juno dot com
follow this blog via GFC jennifer57
follow the hexie blog via GFC
I'm so excited about this book and this prize. I'm now following both blogs. I've been making hexies for years. Can't wait to dig in and try this technique. A Christmas hexie quilt would be my next project. Thank you.
Would love to win the giveaway!
I'm a new follower! Thanks! :)
I do hope I am not tooooo late. I would love that combo to play with!
I'm a new follower. Everything looks terrific!
: )
Thanks for another chance to win. I love hexies !
Cooper is adorable! I'm looking into getting a new dog! I am so excited!
Please count me in on the drawing.
I'm excited about that too!
I'm following greenQuilts on Bloglovin!
What a sweet dog! And great giveaway!
I follow your blog.
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