Today I made an entire quilt top - another t-shirt quilt. I've got it down to a science now - I could probably turn one of these around in a week if I had to. I'm going to try to have another t-shirt quilt top done in the next couple of days, along with a Roman blind and a shower curtain. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing the house with an electrician, a countertop guy, and a few tilers, so I'm planning on staying in my studio most of the day.
In other news....
I'M GOING TO HOUSTON NEXT WEEK!!! I think that deserved all caps, don't you? Yes, I'm excited. No, I've never been to the Houston show before. I booked the flight back in June when Southwest was running a sale. Hotel's been booked since then, too. But with all the wedding busy-ness, and the bathroom remodel, I haven't had time to give it much thought. But now, I'm giving it LOTS of thought. Hubby's staying home to hold down the fort and feed the dogs.
Before I go, I need to stock up on camera batteries (they're currently dead), find a big tote bag to tote my purchases, and maybe even buy a second pair of athetic shoes. (I hear comfy shoes are a must.) And what will my purchases be, you ask? You'll have to stay tuned. I plan to blog from the road.