This is the project I've been working on for the last week. This is really out of the box for me. I like things even and symmetrical. Heck, even our house is symmetrical, both inside and out! So this was a stretch for me. And I must say, it's really fun to stretch and do something different for a change.
I took hubby up to my studio yesterday to show it to him. He says it's one of his favorites and he thinks I should not add anything else. In other words, he doesn't want it to be background. As far as he's concerned, it's a finished quilt top. What to do????
I need help here! What do you think? Is it finished? Or can I add some select motifs? A few tall flowers maybe?

Now I need to put the Cherrywood box back in order. You can't see here, but it's overflowing onto the floor. Quite a mess I make when I strive to create!
I'm with your DH .... STOP.
Love it.
I'm with Dad. It looks finished to me! Nice job!
How about placing off to the lower right of a larger piece of solid black? Just an idea!!
This quilt top is finished....perfect just the way it is! Great job.
I like it as is. Looks like you have plenty left to make a second quilt with some flowers for yourself... ;o)
I like it like it is.
I love it just how it is! I think it's perfectly organized and in a way symmetrical exactly the way it is. Kinda like... if nothing matches they all match.. something like that :) So pretty though!
I think it looks fantastic as is. If it will be a table topper or table cloth, I'd forego applique. Why cover up such beautiful colors?
It is finished just the way it is. Now you can make another one and use it for a background. I have gotten my Cherrywood scrap bags out and was sorting through them. I love that fabric.
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