Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Syrup Soppin'

We experience something new this past weekend: syrup sopping! Yes, there was a Syrup Sopping Day not far from here and we joined in. How is the syrup made?

Horse power! They walk around in a circle while someone stick sugar cane into the center mechanism. The sugar cane is compressed and a receptacle collects the liquid, which is boiled to make the syrup.

And here's the end product served with a biscuit for sopping. Yum! We had a ball despite the rain.

Tomorrow I leave for Houston - it's Quilt Market time! Peggy and I will be doing a Schoolhouse Presentation - can't wait. Plus we're doing a book signing at the AQS booth. Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Will you be there for festival also or just market. I decided not to go to market this year.