Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wooly Leaf Play

Does this not make you drool? Excuse me while I wipe my mouth....

Last night I cut out all these leaves from yummy hand dyed wool. Sue Spargo is coming to Birmingham in November (!!!) and I got my kit for the class Friday. Yes, there is homework to be done before class. I need to appliqué all these leaves in place before then.

What's that you say? J, don't you have a book deadline on November 15? Aren't you going to Houston Quilt Market in late October? And what about that trip to Knoxville you and your hubby have planned?  Yes, yes, and yes, but it's SUE SPARGO! So I'll stitch down a few leaves per day in the midst of all the other madness going on around here!

I did finished binding a book quilt yesterday. One more done, yay!

Happy Half Birthday to my big lug, Cooper today! Yes, he's 6 months old. And you know what that means? Snip, snip.... I'm calling the vet Monday to get him scheduled for neutering. SHHH!!!! Don't tell him, please...

And another big guy - Charles Barkley. I met him Friday evening at a fundraiser here in Auburn. It was a fun night.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What I'm Working On...

I've been doing more hand quilting with Perle Cotton - love to do this! I did the ditch quilting on this quilt before I left for Cleveland so it was all ready when I got home. And it's going faster than I thought it would - always a good thing. Is that denim you see? By golly, I think it is! Sneaky Peaky for next book!

Hubby and I actually walked TWICE today. This afternoon we discovered a trail in our neighborhood that we'd never noticed before. We felt like we were far from civilization.

Look at the size of that feather! Big bird was here!

Mission accomplished....Cooper was tuckered out! Nightie night...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hexies in Cleveland!

Were you expecting to see a quilt?! When I arrived in Cleveland I grabbed a chicken mini at the KFC across the street from my hotel before heading to the studio. Hexies on the wrapping paper! I took that as an omen that this would be a successful trip!

And it was! So much fun! Here I am with Pokey Bolton just before we taped my segment.

When I got home yesterday, hubby surprised me by having both daughters drop by the house. He pulled this cake out so we could celebrate my trip together.

And they had this fabulous singing card for me! It's the song, "I'm So Excited.....and I Just Can't Hide it!" Sing along with me.....

I'll be sharing lots about the trip both here and at The Hexie Blog!

Monday, September 16, 2013

College Town Life

When you live in a college town (especially in the South) Fall revolves around FOOTBALL! Here's a dusk shot from Saturday night's game. We had a blast! We walked around campus all afternoon with our out of town friends and Daughter 1. We even got to see Daughter 2 for a bit.

Here I am with the daughters. They both have had a lot going on. Daughter 2 (on the left) was awarded a scholarship to help with her second year of Pharmacy School. Daughter 1 (in the middle) started a new Software Engineering job today. It fell in her lap and she couldn't pass it up. Go Girls! So proud of you both!!!!!

Here's the scene out my kitchen window. Yes, that a Porta-Potty. What a view I'll have while this house is built. We met the couple who are building this house over the weekend. Turns out hubby and the guy work for the same company and have known each other for decades. What a coincidence! They are lovely people and the wife even sews. Can't wait for them to move in....

I'm running around in circles here getting ready for my Quilting Arts TV segment. Go here to see some of my preparations!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sweat Shop!

Here's what my cutting table looked like yesterday morning. The fabric has been FLYING around here! Yesterday I finished TWO quilt tops!!!! Time to clean a bit:

Ahhh, much better!

I basted the larger quilt - it's ready to for the next step of quilting. I'll baste the smaller one (a wallhanging) today. I'm also busy as a bee working on examples for demonstrating on Quilting Arts TV next week - never knew there was so much to do to prepare for a 5-8 minute segment! I have a new appreciation for all those folks we watch on television.

Here's my coffee buddy this morning. He's been a bad boy this week... dumped a potted plant out on the patio. Ate part of the plant. Dirt everywhere. Never did find the pot... Oh well...

We have out of town guests coming this weekend, so I need to get to the grocery store, put sheets on a bed, freshen bathrooms, and then I can get back to the fun stuff of quilting!!!

Thanks to the Birmingham Quilters Guild for a great time on Monday. Peggy and I (both members of the guild) got to speak at the first meeting of the year. We had a blast sharing our journey through publishing - some of the behind the scenes stories of book publishing and Quilt Market. On the way out of town I stopped at Chico's and bought something to wear for the TV filming next week. (At least that was my excuse for buying a new outfit!) :) Have a great day!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nine Patches!

I've been making a pile of nine patches. What are you making???

I'm designing a quilt border and thought the nine patches would be the perfect addition. WRONG! I laid them out around the center of the quilt and they didn't work AT ALL! Ever had that happen? After staring at the quilt for about 15 minutes I decided the nine patches don't work because they overpower the quilt. I think a strip of small squares would look great though.

Know what that means? I'll be unsewing these blocks tonight to make strips of three squares each, ready to sew end to end for the border. Oh well...a little unsewing never hurt anyone.

Football season is in full swing here. We love going to the games and last night was no exception. Luckily it wasn't quite as humid last night as it had been the previous Saturday night. I love that I can spend all day sewing (which I did!) and still go to a college game in the evening.

Not much else is new around here. Cooper is continuing to GROW! I need to post a new picture of him soon. He's a sweetie though. and we really have fun with him. At this moment he is destroying a cardboard shoe box that I gave him. He adores cardboard...

I'll be up and at 'em VERY early Monday morning. Peggy and I are speaking at the Birmingham Quilt Guild's meeting in the morning. Can't wait to see my Birmingham friends!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Lake Trip AGAIN...

Hubby and I spent most of the week at the lake, enjoying the water before the level starts dropping before long. This deer picture has absolutely nothing to do with the lake. We saw it last night just down our street in a neighbor's yard.

I was hesitant to go to the lake because I'm so entrenched in my work now. But I packed it all up and spent the week sewing at the kitchen table with a wonderful view. Hubby did lots of yard work and wiring projects (also with a lovely view). Then we both took breaks for an occasional boat ride or swim.

I finished two quilts while there! Yay me!

Here are the three doggies piled up in the backseat on the way home. TIRED....

Go check out The Hexie Blog for some exciting news!