Sunday, March 16, 2014

I'm Doing What?

I started a little crochet project this weekend. I've been drooling over this moss stitch I've been seeing on blogs. I have a small stash of yarn so I got this afghan started on Friday. Very relaxing...

Don't worry. Quilting is still numero uno in my book. But a diversion every so often is rather nice.

So I survived hosting my first quilty luncheon here in Auburn this week. Whew! Went well. Back in Birmingham, quilty luncheons usually consisted of chicken salad, some fruit, some chips, a simple yummy desert. Here you really COOK! A hot chicken casserole or something similar. A vegetable. Maybe a salad. Bread. And a birthday cake for the birthday girl of the month. Everyone was so nice and it all went so well!

I'm off to Augusta tomorrow to help out my mother for a couple of days. She's having a  cataract removed this week. We are HOPING that this will restore some vision in her eye. She lost vision in the other eye a few years ago when she had an eye stroke.

And yes, I'm taking my crochet project with me - no sewing. Can you believe that?!

1 comment:

Hanke said...

I am doing the same:-) Found some yarn in the house and crochet a bag- cover. On Facebook is a crochetpage where they have a Crochet Along, that was my start. Every week 4rows and at the end of the year you will have a blanket. The group is stil growing and the members live all over the world. I love to read the story's and see the different blankets. Enjoy your project!