I'm still working away on my circle hand quilting. I'm using Perle Cotton, 5 weight, in various colors. It's always challenging enough to bury a knot when quilting, but to bury a perle cotton knot - a BIG challenge. I'm working with Cherrywood fabric, which is very tightly woven, making it even more challenging.
As my work has progress on the quilt, I've been experimenting with different techniques to make the knot burying process easier. And I found a winner! I can't begin to tell you what a difference this technique has made the entire quilting process!
Here's the how-to.
Step 1: As with any hand quilting, knot the thread and put the needle in the quilt about an inch away from where your stitching will start. The needle should come up at the point you stitching will start. The needle is NOT going though the entire quilt! It only goes through the top fabric and batting - you should not be piercing the backing fabric.