I've been having a fun week hosting Karen Kay Buckley during her stay in Birmingham. She gave a lecture at our guild meeting Monday, and then taught three classes. I promise I will share more details about her visit in another blog post - she is truly a well-oiled machine, and probably THE best quilting teacher I've ever seen and heard!
But first I want to share my lovely dinner with hubby last night. He'd been out of town on business the entire time Karen was here. He flew back to town yesterday, hours before Karen flew back home to Pennsylvania. He'd suggested we go out to dinner since he knew I'd be too tired to cook. So we went to a new restaurant in our area: The Ridge. It's a sister restaurant to Mud House, a popular restaurant in another area of town.
The Ridge is a casual place, relaxed and fun. We had a coupon for a free appetizer - we had sweet potato chips with a blue cheese dip. While we waited for our appetizer to arrive, hubby placed this card in front of me and asked me to guess what it meant. He had a big smile!
My guess was that he'd gotten a raise - 10K! I was spending it my head! But no, he assured me that wasn't the case. Hmm.... I was baffled! When I gave up, he told me that yesterday was our 10,000 day anniversary. Whoa! How in the world did he figure that out!? I was floored!
He'd been planning this for months, it turned out. How romantic!!!
The 10K card came with a few phases of gifts. The first: I had 10 seconds to think of anything I wanted from him that begins with the letter "K." He looked at his watch and started the countdown. I immediately blurted out, "Kaffe Fassett fabric!" He died laughing. We both laughed through the remainder of the 10 seconds! He was impressed I thought of something - the only things he'd come up with were kilt, kite, and kangaroo!
The second phase: he gave me a budget and said he wanted me to decide what to do with it. Maybe a trip for the two of us, maybe something special I've been wanting. Hmmm. I'll have to think on this before deciding.
The third phase: 10 kisses.
Was this not a special idea? We had wonderful dinner and a fun evening.
that man is a keeper for sure. You are a very lucky woman
So romantic.
How lovely... Am thrilled on your behalf that "Kaffe" is "Kaffe" and not "Raffe Fassett"!!!
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