I made a big trip to the grocery store today - glad to get that done! I bought some boneless, skinless chicken breasts (among many other things) and was aghast at the price - well over $4.00 per pound. The package I bought was more than $22.00! I need it, so I bought it. BUT, then I came home, got on my computer and ordered 40 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts from Zaycon Foods at only: drumroll please......$1.49 per pound!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe that price? Extreme coupon users will buy chicken when it gets down to $1.99 per pound, but $1.49 per pound - a GREAT DEAL. The chicken is delivered fresh, ready to cook or to divide in packages to freeze. You can order it if you live in the Birmingham, AL, area through Oct. 28, then pick it up locally the next week. And you can order as many cases of 40 pounds each as you want. I've heard from another blogger that the quality is excellent.
Check it out for yourself HERE. They have sales events all over the United States, so check to see if they'll be in an area near you. (They have other foods besides chicken, too.)
40 pounds? Whoa!! I thought I was buying a lot when I bought 5-6 pounds at Kroger for $1.99/lb. Go you!
Your dog has the right idea. That looks like a very warm quilt - did you make it? It is not only the month for Halloween, but breast cancer awareness month!!! Treat yourself or a loved one because you care! I am just stopping by with a reminder to do your self breast exam.
Here's a fun place to start! Everybody loves boob lube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p8pIHy2GRI
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