Sunday, July 17, 2011

Slowly, But Surely

I finished the wide row I started yesterday. I sewed it to the quilt, along with it's backing and some batting. Now it's ready to be quilted and that's where I stopped this afternoon. Here it is, ready for some attention tomorrow from my Handi Quilter - love this machine!
I've been wanting to buy some computer software for designing quilts; it's getting tiring using colored pencils and graph paper! Much to my surprise, they do not make a version of EQ for Macs. How can that be? You can make EQ work on a Mac if you have this and that and the other, non of which I have on mine.

After more research, I found Quilt-Pro. Yes, they have a version for Mac! I got it in the mail yesterday, and installed it this afternoon. The instruction manual is great; I need to go through the tutorial included in the manual before I dive in head first. That's on my list for tomorrow (along with quilting the row on the cross quilt).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking good, also looking forward to pictures of the finished quilt. I do not have a eq anything. So far I have been able to come up with my new designs without graphs,or quilt programs. I must have a program in my itty bitty head, because I actually wake up with a design in my head and have to write it down before I forget it. If you havent done so already check out my blog